Reclaim Your Pleasure
Connect with your Sensual, Erotic,
Soulful Essence

An in-person 6-Week series in Asheville, NC to explore, share, reflect and heal
step into a delectably divine experience...
as you open to you
Your sexual energy belongs to you. It is the essence of your life force energy.
Yet, for too long, women have been shamed for their desire.
As you reconnect to your body, your erotic essence, your sensual pleasure, you reconnect to your own depths as an alive, vital, awakened woman who exists for her Self.
You get to say yes to you.
You get to reclaim your sexual energy as your own.
You get to take charge of your sexual pleasure.
Join me and my co-facilitator Jessica Falcon to reclaim your pleasure & embody the magnetism of your true nature. This experiential class will include guided embodiment practices, sharing circles, ceremony, workshop-style teaching, and sharing.
Over the course of 6 weeks, you will be guided to drop deep into your body, open your wisdom centers, and connect with parts of yourself that have long been forgotten and denied.
Activate a new level of empowerment.
Amplify your growth, healing and purpose in a like minded collective.
Week 1: Self-Love & Intimacy (April 29)
We open the container with our hearts intentions, an opening ritual to reconnect with our erotic essence, and creation of sacred space both internally and externally. Become comfortable being seen and connecting in this holy sisterhood.
Week 2: Pleasure as Power (May 6)
You are biologically wired for pleasure - and yet, we’ve been taught to feel sinful, ashamed, or fearful of tapping into our wild, ecstatic capacity to feel. Connect to the life force essence that moves through you and resensitize your awareness of your body. You’ll practice giving sound to your experience through gentle, subtle movement and allow your pleasure and desires to melt into you, coming home to yourself.
Week 3: Sensual Activation (May 13)
Your senses connect you fully with the present moment and life itself. Allow each sense to be fully activated through smell, taste, touch, sound and sight. You will be guided to surrender deeper and deeper into each sensation and allow its effects ripple through you. Awaken to a more full bodied sensual capacity to savor life.
Integration Week: No Class (May 20th)
Week 4: Sacred Desire (May 27)
Take responsibility for what it is you want so you overflow with your own delicious sexual energy. Let go of the good girl narrative and claim your desires. Take an inner journey to meet your own Sexual Initiatrix and integrate her fully into your body-mind.
Week 5: The Art of Receiving (June 3)
In order to receive, we must be comfortable with being seen. Through a deeply potent ritual, you will have an opportunity to be fully seen. Any resistance, any fear, any feelings of unworthiness and doubt can be lovingly healed through your presence and intention. It’s time to open fully to love all of who you are. Let it in.
Week 6: Ecstatic Embodiment (June 10)
Expand beyond ‘good’ and enter the realm of ecstasy. Invite Gaia into your womb space as you ecstatically connect with the elements as they flow within you. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in your body, its sound, movement, and sensations. It is through our interconnection with All Things and opening our hearts fully that we truly begin to embody ecstasy.
All practices will be done with clothes on; there will be no nudity.
Your facilitators are trauma-informed and will be available to give you individual attention if deep emotions arise during the sessions. However, if you have experienced any sexual trauma, we highly suggest you only join the series if you have already received prior counseling or therapy. We are not licensed counselors or therapists, and highly focused individual work is beyond the scope of what we can offer in a group format. Both Jessica Falcon and Faith Laux offer 1:1 individual sessions to clients if you wish to take the work further.
You must be able to attend at least 5 out of the 6 sessions so that we can maintain group cohesion and intimacy.
about your facilitators
Jessica Falcon
A former lawyer turned mystic, Jessica is a soul embodiment coach & energetic activator who helps women break the Eve Codes and reclaim their ancient sovereign power so they experience soul freedom in all of their relationships. As women reclaim themselves fully in love, they reconnect to their true desires, sacred pleasure, and body wisdom.
Faith Laux
Faith helps women prioritize their pleasure and delight in their sexuality again. Her transformational coaching helps you reconnect to the wisdom, intuition and enchantment of your body so that you are empowered to thrive sexually. It’s her life’s passion to guide and teach her clients to reignite their sexual flame and manifest their deepest desires.
Fridays 2pm - 4pm
April 29-June 10th
(Integration week, no class May 20)
Happy Body Studio
25 Reed St, Asheville, NC 28803 (Biltmore Village)

The Sexual Seasons
This class is open to women and women-identifying people.
Space is limited.

Spring is about rebirth, growth, and aliveness.
How are you turning yourself on? Are you creating space for your arousal?
shake off the winter stillness & burst forth into passion and pleasure.
Can you feel the potential in the air you are breathing?
Our sexual energy originates in our adrenal glands which, for many of us, are quite depleted. We'll begin by recharging our adrenals and tap into the vitality of springtime energy. We'll activate and expand our aliveness in our bodies and water the seeds that we want to grow in our relationships and our lives. This is an experiential workshop with movement, guided visualizations and sharing.
Come ready to participate, reflect and grow.
Sunday, May 1
2pm - 4pm
Space is limited to 15 participants.

This class is open to women and women-identifying people.
Ready to claim your spot?
Online: Zoom